تُعتبر سريلانكا، المعروفة بمناظرها الطبيعية الخلابة، وتراثها الثقافي الغني، ودفء ضيافتها، وجهة مفضلة للمسافرين من الإمارات. وقد برزت “جميع الأمم لانكا” كخيار شعبي بين هؤلاء الزوار، حيث تقدم جولات مصممة خصيصًا وخدمات استثنائية تلبي تحديدًا تفضيلات المسافرين من الإمارات.

لماذا تعتبر “جميع الأمم لانكا” الشريك السياحي المثالي للزوار من الإمارات؟

إذا كنت مسافرًا من الإمارات وتتطلع لاستكشاف روائع سريلانكا، فإن “جميع الأمم لانكا” هو الشريك المثالي لك. نحن نقدم جولات مخصصة، وإقامات فاخرة، وخدمة استثنائية لضمان تجربة سفر لا تُنسى. اتصل بنا اليوم لبدء تخطيط عطلتك التي تحلم بها واكتشف لماذا نحن الخيار المفضل للزوار من الإمارات.

  • جولات مخصصة: نحن نفهم أن لكل مسافر اهتمامات وتفضيلات فريدة. فريقنا يصمم خطط رحلات مخصصة لتناسب احتياجاتك الخاصة، مما يضمن لك رحلة لا تُنسى.
  • راحة وفخامة: نحن نحرص على تقديم أفضل أماكن الإقامة الفاخرة وخيارات الطعام الفاخرة، بالإضافة إلى وسائل الراحة الحصرية. من المنتجعات الشاطئية الفاخرة إلى الفنادق الأنيقة في المدن، نضمن لك إقامة مريحة وفاخرة.
  • تجربة سفر سلسة: نحن نهتم بجميع التفاصيل اللوجستية، بما في ذلك مساعدة الحصول على التأشيرة، وخدمات النقل من وإلى المطار، وحجوزات الإقامة، لتوفير تجربة سفر خالية من المتاعب. هدفنا هو أن تسترخي وتستمتع بعطلتك دون أي قلق.
  • تجارب ثقافية غامرة: التراث الثقافي الغني لسريلانكا يعد جذبًا رئيسيًا للزوار من الإمارات. جولاتنا الإرشادية تأخذك إلى مواقع أيقونية مثل معبد السن المقدس، وقلعة صخرة سيجيريا، ومعبد الكهف دامبولا، مما يوفر لك فهمًا عميقًا لتاريخ وتقاليد الجزيرة.
  • مغامرات واستجمام: سواء كنت من عشاق المغامرات أو تبحث عن الاسترخاء، نقدم مجموعة من الأنشطة لتناسب تفضيلاتك. من المشي لمسافات طويلة وركوب الأمواج إلى العلاجات الأيورفيدية وجلسات اليوغا، نضمن لك تجربة متوازنة وغنية.

خطط لعطلتك السريلانكية مع “جميع الأمم لانكا”

إذا كنت من المسافرين من الإمارات الذين يتطلعون لاستكشاف روائع سريلانكا، فإن “جميع الأمم لانكا” هو الشريك المثالي لك. اتصل بنا اليوم لبدء تخطيط عطلتك التي تحلم بها واكتشف لماذا نحن الخيار المفضل للزوار من الإمارات.

للمزيد من المعلومات وحجز رحلتك، قم بزيارة موقعنا الإلكتروني أو تواصل مع فريق خدمة العملاء الودود لدينا. دعنا نساعدك في خلق ذكريات تدوم مدى الحياة.


لمزيد من المعلومات حول جولات ورحلات سريلانكا، اتصل بنا على الرقم +94 774 111 405 أو عبر البريد الإلكتروني: info@allnationslanka.com

يرجى الإعجاب بصفحتنا على فيسبوك https://www.facebook.com/AllNationsLanka/ أو متابعتنا على تويتر للحصول على معلومات حول العروض وإصدارات الجولات.



Welcome to All Nations Lanka, your ultimate guide to the best events happening in Sri Lanka this July! Whether you’re a local resident or a visitor, this beautiful island nation has something exciting in store for everyone. From cultural festivals to sporting events, July is packed with activities that showcase the rich heritage and dynamic spirit of Sri Lanka. Read on to find out what’s happening this month and make the most of your time here.

Esala Perahera: A Grand Cultural Spectacle

One of the most anticipated events in Sri Lanka, the Esala Perahera in Kandy, takes place in July. This centuries-old Buddhist festival honors the Sacred Tooth Relic of Lord Buddha. The streets of Kandy come alive with elaborate processions featuring beautifully decorated elephants, traditional dancers, drummers, and torchbearers. The festival usually lasts for ten days, culminating in a grand final procession. It’s a must-see for anyone looking to experience Sri Lanka’s rich cultural heritage.

Hikka Fest: The Ultimate Beach Party

If you’re a fan of beach parties and electronic music, the Hikka Fest in Hikkaduwa is the place to be. This annual event draws in crowds from around the world, offering a vibrant mix of music, dance, and beachside fun. With renowned DJs spinning the latest tracks, and a laid-back beach atmosphere, Hikka Fest promises unforgettable nights of entertainment.

Jaffna Music Festival

Head to the northern part of the island for the Jaffna Music Festival, a vibrant celebration of music and cultural diversity. This festival brings together performers from various genres and regions, promoting unity and peace through the universal language of music. Expect a blend of traditional Tamil music, folk performances, and contemporary acts that will captivate audiences of all ages.

Galle Literary Festival

For the bookworms and literary aficionados, the Galle Literary Festival offers an enriching experience. Set in the historic Galle Fort, this festival features panel discussions, book readings, workshops, and interactions with renowned authors from around the world. It’s an intellectual retreat that allows you to immerse yourself in the world of literature while enjoying the picturesque surroundings of Galle.

The Nallur Festival

The Nallur Festival in Jaffna is another significant cultural event in July. This Hindu festival is dedicated to Lord Murugan and spans over 25 days. The vibrant processions, devotional music, and traditional dances make it a colorful and spiritually uplifting experience. Visitors can also explore the Nallur Kandaswamy Kovil, one of the most revered Hindu temples in Sri Lanka.

Plan Your Visit

July is a month brimming with festivities and events that cater to diverse interests. Whether you’re drawn to the cultural spectacles, the pulsating nightlife, the high fashion, or the melodic harmonies, Sri Lanka offers a unique experience for every traveler. Make sure to mark your calendars and plan your visit to join in the celebrations and create unforgettable memories.

For more information on travel tips, accommodation, and detailed event schedules, stay tuned to All Nations Lanka. We are committed to providing you with the latest updates and insights to make your stay in Sri Lanka as enjoyable as possible.

Happy exploring!

For more information about  our Sri Lanka Tours and Trips Call  +94 774 111 405 or Email: info@allnationslanka.com

Please  ’Like us on Facebook  https://www.facebook.com/AllNationsLanka/ or ‘Follow’ on twitter for information on offers and tour releases.

All Nations Lanka are thrilled to extend a warm Sri Lankan welcome to all our friends from the UAE! With its lush landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and warm hospitality, Sri Lanka is the perfect destination for a memorable holiday. Here’s a sneak peek at what awaits you on our beautiful island.

With direct flights from the UAE to Colombo, your dream Sri Lankan holiday is just a few hours away. Whether you’re planning a family vacation, a romantic getaway, or an adventure trip, Sri Lanka has something special for everyone. In addtion, we are committed to ensuring that our Muslim visitors from the UAE have a comfortable and enjoyable stay. Halal food is widely available, and many hotels offer prayer facilities. Enjoy the beautiful mosques, such as the Jami Ul-Alfar Mosque in Colombo, which are a testament to our multicultural harmony.

Join us and discover why Sri Lanka is known as the Pearl of the Indian Ocean. We look forward to welcoming you with open arms and making your visit truly unforgettable!

For more information about  our Sri Lanka Tours and Trips Call  +94 774 111 405 or Email: info@allnationslanka.com

Please  ’Like us on Facebook  https://www.facebook.com/AllNationsLanka/ or ‘Follow’ on twitter for information on offers and tour releases.



June is a month of excitement and vibrant activities in our beautiful island nation of Sri Lanka. Here’s a roundup of what’s happening this month, brought to you by All Nations Lanka!

Yala Monsoon Season: As the Yala monsoon season sweeps across the southwest, expect lush green landscapes and rejuvenated wildlife in our national parks. It’s the perfect time for nature enthusiasts to experience the island’s biodiversity.

Culinary Delights: June is a great time to savor the fresh produce and traditional dishes unique to this season. From mouthwatering seafood caught during the high tides to delicious tropical fruits, it’s a food lover’s paradise!

Cultural Festivals:

  • Poson Poya Day (June 24): A significant Buddhist festival marking the introduction of Buddhism to Sri Lanka. Join in the celebrations with beautiful lantern displays, religious ceremonies, and cultural events.
  • Kandy Esala Perahera Preparations: While the grand festival takes place in July/August, preparations start early. Visit Kandy to witness the initial preparations for this historic event.

Adventure & Travel:

  • Hiking & Trekking: With cooler temperatures in the central highlands, it’s an ideal time for hiking adventures in places like Ella, Nuwara Eliya, and the Knuckles Mountain Range.
  • Beach Escapes: While the southwest coast is experiencing rains, the east coast (like Trincomalee and Arugam Bay) offers perfect beach weather, making it ideal for surfing, snorkeling, and soaking up the sun.

Marine Life Exploration: June is prime time for whale watching off the coast of Trincomalee. Don’t miss the chance to see these majestic creatures in their natural habitat!

Join us in celebrating the rich culture, natural beauty, and diverse activities Sri Lanka has to offer this June. Whether you’re a local or a visitor, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. Stay tuned to our page for more updates and details about events and happenings across the island!

For more information about  our Sri Lanka Tours and Trips Call  +94 774 111 405 or Email: info@allnationslanka.com

Please  ’Like us on Facebook  https://www.facebook.com/AllNationsLanka/ or ‘Follow’ on twitter for information on offers and tour releases.

Sri Lanka, a tropical paradise known for its rich culture and breathtaking landscapes, becomes even more vibrant in May. From cultural festivals to thrilling sports events, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. Here’s a look at the top events happening in Sri Lanka this May that you shouldn’t miss.

1. Vesak Festival

Date: May 23-25

Location: Nationwide

Vesak, also known as Buddha Day, is one of the most significant religious festivals in Sri Lanka. Celebrating the birth, enlightenment, and passing of Buddha, the entire country lights up with beautifully decorated lanterns, stunning illuminations, and vibrant processions. Colombo and Kandy are the best cities to experience the grandeur of this festival. Don’t miss the opportunity to witness the stunning Vesak pandals (illuminated displays) and partake in the various religious activities.

2. Colombo Fashion Week

Date: Early May

Location: Colombo

Colombo Fashion Week is a premier fashion event that showcases the latest trends in Sri Lankan and international fashion. The event attracts fashion enthusiasts, designers, and models from around the world. Held at various luxury venues across Colombo, this week-long event features runway shows, pop-up shops, and exclusive after-parties. It’s a must-visit for anyone interested in fashion and design.

3. Galle Literary Festival

Date: May 10-14

Location: Galle

The Galle Literary Festival is a celebration of literature, bringing together renowned authors, poets, and literary enthusiasts. Set in the historic Galle Fort, a UNESCO World Heritage site, this festival offers a variety of workshops, panel discussions, and book signings. It’s the perfect event for book lovers and those looking to immerse themselves in literary culture while exploring the charming streets of Galle.

4. Poson Poya

Date: May 25

Location: Anuradhapura, Mihintale

Poson Poya commemorates the introduction of Buddhism to Sri Lanka by Mahinda Thera. Celebrations are most prominent in Anuradhapura and Mihintale, where thousands of pilgrims gather for religious observances. The sacred sites are adorned with lanterns, and devotees engage in various religious rituals, offering a profound cultural experience.

5. Arugam Bay Surfing Season

Date: May onwards

Location: Arugam Bay

May marks the beginning of the surfing season in Arugam Bay, one of the top surfing destinations in the world. Surfers from all over flock to this beautiful coastal town to ride the waves and enjoy the laid-back vibe. The season also brings numerous surfing competitions and beach parties, making it a hotspot for both surfers and beach lovers.


For more information about  our Sri Lanka Tours and Trips Call  +94 774 111 405 or Email: info@allnationslanka.com

Please  ’Like us on Facebook  https://www.facebook.com/AllNationsLanka/ or ‘Follow’ on twitter for information on offers and tour releases.

One delighted traveler recently shared their unforgettable journey with us, highlighting the impeccable service, breathtaking destinations, and unparalleled hospitality that they experienced during their time with All Nations Lanka. But why just take their word for it when you can experience the same extraordinary adventures for yourself?

For more information about  our Sri Lanka Tours and Trips Call  +94 774 111 405 or Email: info@allnationslanka.com

Please  ’Like us on Facebook  https://www.facebook.com/AllNationsLanka/ or ‘Follow’ on twitter for information on offers and tour releases.

Are you ready to immerse yourself in the vibrant cultural tapestry of Sri Lanka this April? From traditional festivities to exhilarating events, the island nation beckons with a plethora of exciting experiences waiting to be discovered. Here’s your guide to the must-attend events happening across Sri Lanka this month:

  1. Sinhala and Tamil New Year: Join in the joyous celebrations as Sri Lankans usher in the Sinhala and Tamil New Year with traditional rituals, vibrant street decorations, and mouthwatering feasts. Experience the cultural richness of this auspicious occasion as communities come together to mark the beginning of a new year with joy and prosperity.
  2. Vesak Festival: Immerse yourself in the serene ambiance of the Vesak Festival, commemorating the birth, enlightenment, and passing of Lord Buddha. Marvel at the illuminated streets, visit intricately decorated temples, and witness colorful processions as devotees come together to celebrate this sacred occasion.
  3. Avurudu Pola (New Year Fair): Explore the bustling Avurudu Pola, or New Year Fair, where vibrant stalls offer an array of traditional goods, delicious treats, and festive merchandise. From intricately crafted handicrafts to delectable sweets, indulge in the sights, sounds, and flavors of Sri Lankan culture.
  4. Kandy Esala Perahera: Experience the grandeur of one of Asia’s most spectacular festivals, the Kandy Esala Perahera. Marvel at the dazzling procession of elephants, dancers, and drummers as they parade through the streets of Kandy in homage to the Sacred Tooth Relic of Lord Buddha.
  5. Colombo International Book Fair: Delve into the world of literature at the Colombo International Book Fair, where book lovers gather to browse through a vast collection of books, attend literary discussions, and meet renowned authors. Discover new literary treasures and immerse yourself in the world of words.

For more information about  our Sri Lanka Tours and Trips Call  +94 774 111 405 or Email: info@allnationslanka.com

Please  ’Like us on Facebook  https://www.facebook.com/AllNationsLanka/ or ‘Follow’ on twitter for information on offers and tour releases.

March is a fantastic time to visit Sri Lanka, as the weather is generally warm and dry, making it perfect for exploring all that this beautiful island nation has to offer. Here is just one fantastic must do idea for Sri Lanka in March:
Attend the Esala Perahera: Experience the vibrant cultural festivities of the Esala Perahera, one of Sri Lanka’s most significant religious festivals held in Kandy. Marvel at the grand procession of elephants, dancers, and musicians as they parade through the streets, showcasing the country’s rich heritage.

For more information about  our Sri Lanka Tours and Trips Call  +94 774 111 405 or Email: info@allnationslanka.com

Please  ’Like us on Facebook  https://www.facebook.com/AllNationsLanka/ or ‘Follow’ on twitter for information on offers and tour releases.

Are you planning a visit to Sri Lanka in March? Look no further! All Nations Lanka has curated a list of the top things to do during this vibrant month. From cultural festivities to outdoor adventures, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. Here are some must-try experiences:

  1. Witness the Esala Perahera: March marks the beginning of the Esala Perahera, one of the most celebrated festivals in Sri Lanka. Join the locals in witnessing this grand procession of dancers, drummers, and beautifully adorned elephants in Kandy.
  2. Explore Ancient Ruins: Embark on a journey through time as you explore the ancient ruins of Polonnaruwa and Sigiriya. Marvel at the impressive architecture and intricate carvings while learning about Sri Lanka’s rich history.
  3. Relax on Pristine Beaches: With the weather warming up, March is the perfect time to unwind on the sun-kissed beaches of Sri Lanka. Whether you prefer the bustling shores of Unawatuna or the tranquil vibes of Mirissa, there’s no shortage of coastal beauty to explore.
  4. Go Wildlife Spotting: Venture into the lush jungles of Yala National Park or Wilpattu National Park for an unforgettable wildlife safari. Keep your eyes peeled for elusive leopards, majestic elephants, and a variety of exotic bird species.
  5. Indulge in Culinary Delights: Treat your taste buds to an array of mouthwatering Sri Lankan dishes. From spicy curries to fresh seafood, there’s no shortage of culinary delights to savour during your visit.

Don’t miss out on these incredible experiences in Sri Lanka this March. Let All Nations Lanka be your guide as you embark on an unforgettable journey through this enchanting island paradise. Contact us today to start planning your adventure!

For more information about  our Sri Lanka Tours and Trips Call  +94 774 111 405 or Email: info@allnationslanka.com

Please  ’Like us on Facebook  https://www.facebook.com/AllNationsLanka/ or ‘Follow’ on twitter for information on offers and tour releases.

Deepavali, the Festival of Lights, is a magical time in Sri Lanka, and at All Nations Lanka, we’re thrilled to offer you an unforgettable way to experience this joyous celebration.

Deepavali Festival Tours: Immerse yourself in the vibrant culture and traditions of Deepavali with our specially curated festival tours. Witness the stunning illuminations, colorful rangoli designs, and the warm hospitality of the locals as you explore the heart of the festivities.

Temple Visits: Visit magnificent Hindu temples adorned with thousands of oil lamps, creating a mesmerizing spectacle. Our expert guides will help you understand the significance and rituals associated with Deepavali.

Cultural Experiences: Indulge in traditional Deepavali sweets and savories, learn to create beautiful rangoli designs, and join in the joyous celebrations with locals. It’s a chance to be a part of this beautiful festival.

Spectacular Illuminations: Witness the island aglow with millions of oil lamps, creating a truly magical atmosphere that’s unique to Deepavali in Sri Lanka.

Explore Sri Lanka: While you’re here, don’t miss the opportunity to explore the natural beauty, history, and diverse culture that Sri Lanka has to offer. Our tours can be customized to include other breathtaking destinations.

Join us in celebrating the Festival of Lights in Sri Lanka like never before! Let All Nations Lanka be your guide to this enchanting experience.

For more information about  our Sri Lanka Tours and Trips Call  +94 774 111 405 or Email: info@allnationslanka.com

Please  ’Like us on Facebook  https://www.facebook.com/AllNationsLanka/ or ‘Follow’ on twitter for information on offers and tour releases.